God's Personal Test

Romans 14:12

Being a steward is God's way of raising people to become like His Son, not man's way of collecting funds.

- Doug Carter

Accounting is essential to a company's success. A strong accounting system leads to a successful enterprise. For the prosperity of our spiritual lives, good accounting is also needed. Paul's last account to God is said to be in Romans 14:12. This is said to be his "Last Farewell."

It is important to do an everyday spiritual life or spiritual accounting exam for God. This is known as cheshbon ha-nefresh, which is a daily spiritual health check to ensure that as the body weakens, the soul becomes stronger. When time passes, our bodies get older and weaker. Our spirits get smarter, younger, and heavier as we age. The spirit does not need to be enchanted or inhaled, and it does not need anointing with powerful oil.

This is how the "cycle" of life works: you scent baby powder when you're a baby. Smell cologne when you're a teenager. Smell perfume while you're a young adult. When senior citizens scent efficient oil, they get excited. In our spirit, it shouldn't smell like this; it should only smell like a newborn.

If an entity or task fulfills the function for which it was created, we consider it efficient. White elephants, or programs that spend more than they yield in terms of benefits, are referred to as liabilities rather than assets in the government. If we fail to serve the reason for which God made us, we will become "white elephants." As a result, we are only wasting sunlight, releasing air, and maintaining the protection of our internal organs.

"Our questions are more critical than our responses," someone once said. Ask the correct question and get the right answer. If the question is incorrect, the answer is incorrect as well. We must respond to the following critical question: "Why did God make us each one-of-a-kind? What was God's purpose when he created us?"

Please read Genesis 1:26, which is written in the Bible. God made us to be bearers of His image on earth, to represent His lovely qualities in us, to be like Him in order to enjoy our communion and to glorify and serve Him forever.

How can I improve for tomorrow what I have already done?

Through our service to God, we must always strive for perfection. We want to better our operation, above all. For teachers, seeing progress toward success is important for their pupils. This, I think, is how God oversees our ministry as well. Let us contend against our own success rather than that of others. We ought to change the way we serve God and our fellow human beings.

What are my Strengths and Weaknesses?

It is important that we understand ourselves. Socrates' driving principle is to "know thyself." Let's see where we're good and where we're weak. We can afford to pass you on where we are solid. Let us stop it where we are vulnerable. We will be racially abused in the exam if this does not happen.

How close am I to my long-term goals?

It is important that we achieve our long-term objectives. Is it true that everything we do every day contributes to their fulfillment?

The terror professor is delighted to depose the pupil. Yet God, our professor of life accounting, wishes us to pass. He does not want someone to end up in life's university.

And read Jeremiah 29:11, says Jeremiah.

The main purpose of our life goals is to get to God who created us and we must not allow ourselves to go this far, because in each of us God's dream is high.

Never ever give up on dreams of God to us.

We may be weak in other things but we are strong in this matter, "You can answer for yourself". Just pray that the Lord is ready to strengthen you wherever you are weak. Step forward to your dream without allowing your weakness to bring you down.


List the good works, service, sharing, and donating you've done for God and your neighbor before praying in the evening. Give thanks for them and give your heart's wishes to God.
