Quitting Is Easy. But Today Is Not the Day to Give Up

"Quitting is NOT my Option"

At the last moment, you were confronted with a difficulty that you did not anticipate or plan for. It may have been something private, with you having one of two options. The first step was to accept what's been happening to you, stop attempting to address it, and stop allowing yourself to feel any sense of hope. The alternative was to find a way to confront and manage the problem, even if you had little influence over it. Which one did you pick?

Taking the easy route always necessitates the least amount of work. That's why leaving in the face of a difficulty appears to be the easiest option at times, whether you're faced with demanding conditions, an unexpected event, or even continuous questions about how to manage an issue. It's getting through any of these situations that may appear too difficult due to the amount of effort you believe it will take to get through them.

The next time you find yourself at a crossroads and must decide whether to give up or continue to attempt, make your decision an affirmation: This is not the day to give up. No matter how many times you feel you have let yourself down in the past due to actions or failure to act, including the number of times you believe you have failed, quitting should not be a solution. There is nothing to be gained by adopting a defeatist attitude because a situation or condition has grown too challenging.

I appreciate that in some cases, this will be easier to accept than in others. For example, if you have received an unexpected health condition and fear your future will be unclear, This is precisely the time to tell yourself: today is not the day to give up. Your perspective on things will have a direct influence on your happiness. Your ability to face the future and care for your well-being may be determined by what and how you think. How much you can do is learn to trust your inner strength, which you can utilize as an internal power source.

When you do, you will find yourself better and stronger and more prepared to confront whatever comes your way.

Reason to Quit: The Unexpected

In life, the unexpected may and will happen. It generally happens unexpectedly and takes you by surprise. If there is ever a time when you want to stop confronting what is in front of you, this is most certainly at the top of the list. There is no way to plan for every conceivable scenario and event that you may or may not face. When the unexpected occurs, and it will, you have two options: hide or withdraw from it, or face it head-on. As you are probably aware, running away from your troubles and concerns is simply a temporary solution.

You will still have to face whatever has happened in your life at some time. What you will discover is that your capacity to deal with any crisis is totally dependent on how quickly you can summon your inner determination and power.

Reason to Quit: Lingering Doubts

When confronted with a difficult issue, whether personal or professional, your capacity to manage it efficiently may be determined by your mental fortitude at the moment. For example, if you suffer a tiny setback in your life, such as a goal that you were unable to finish as soon as you had planned, this does not have to be a huge issue for you as long as you have a good attitude.

If, on the other hand, you regard this as a failure and now feel you have only been a failure in life, regaining momentum may become really difficult. Doubts that you allow to persist, whether regarding your skill, capability, or anything else, are much more ego. The more you foster doubts, the easier it will be to stop or give up once you are challenged or confronted with a problem that appears too difficult to solve at first.

Your Internal Strength and Power

Your inner strength is defined as resilience, tenacity, grit, perseverance, and other similar terms. To express a mixture of all of these attributes, I simply refer to it as your internal power. It takes all of these components to give you the fortitude you need to keep going whenever you want to quit or give up. You have three distinct abilities that stem from your internal power: the Power of Potential, the Power of Beliefs, and the Power of Affirmations. Each of these abilities may be intentionally developed and used for self-development.

You may call on one or all of these powers at any time to ensure that today is not a day you give up because of circumstances.

The Power of Potential

When you regard a situation as being too difficult, beyond your competence or capacity, more than you can handle, or any other reasoning that may be a mix of these reasons, there is something you have failed to consider: You have immense potential. It is critical that you remind yourself of this remark on a regular basis, especially when you are doubting your capacity to deal with a problem or condition.

All it takes is a moment of realization when you understand you can do more with your life, to look forward to possibilities, and then realize you have the power to make changes because of your potential. Even if you've received the worst possible news or something unexpected has happened, your potential is the capacity to build a mentality of strength and not succumb to doubts and anxieties.

The Power of Belief

Could you think of a positive belief you have had about yourself right now? Is it simpler to imagine anything negative?

A belief is a mental assertion that you form and continually reinforce, typically without altering unless you make a deliberate decision to do so. It's something you say to yourself long enough that you start to believe it, especially if you discover enough proof or results to back it up. For example, if someone feels they are a failure in life and continues to observe failures in all they try, the evidence would simply seem to corroborate and strengthen what they believe.

Negative beliefs are the simplest to form and replay, particularly when things aren't going well in life. However, the power of positive ideas has the biggest influence on what you achieve in life.

When you are at a point in your life when you appear to want to quit and negative ideas are recurring in your head, it is time to shift your attention. Consider your most recent significant accomplishment. Remember the specifics and how it felt to achieve that particular objective. Consider this while you reflect: You won't know what you're capable of until you make your first attempt and try. By taking the initial step, you were able to attain your previous aim. You have no idea what the future will hold, but you have the power of your convictions. You can be psychologically prepared and fearless about moving forward.

The Power of Affirmations

Affirmations help you build the last strength you have that comes from inside. These are remarks that are tailored to you and intended to help you at times when you need it the most. Fear and uncertainty, for example, are two of the most unpleasant emotions one may have. Making strong positive phrases that begin with "I am" and end with optimistic adjectives, such as: strong, powerful, hopeful, brave, fearless, centered, serene, etc., will help you transform your mindset.

There really are various situations in which this ability can be valuable. For example, you may find yourself in a scenario where it appears that the impossible is ahead of you, and you immediately assume that you are doomed to fail. Or perhaps you find yourself talking with someone who, no matter how hard you try, does not believe in you or will not support you. This is the moment to make a powerful positive statement that begins with "I can and will" and ends with an optimistic phrase like "perform to the best of my skills" or "believe in the best about it myself." The goal is to help you generate a positive frame of reference, which will then assist you in developing supportive beliefs.

You Have the Ability to Be Limitless.

It's time for a mental self-assessment whenever you feel like quitting or giving up on yourself. Remind yourself, "But how much can you achieve if you summon the courage to attempt again?" What can be accomplished with a little extra effort? What do you think about your abilities to deal with the current issue or unforeseen circumstance?

Consider this: It's not about the sky being the limit if you have a goal you want to achieve. What counts is what you are willing to consider, strive toward, and commit to. There are no restrictions on what you can believe.

When it comes to overcoming your worries and doubts, remember that for every reason to give up, there is an equally stronger one to keep trying. The harder the task, the more determined you must be. It's not simply a matter of how you'll get through what you have to confront; it's also about your desire to be strong, even in the face of dread or uncertainty.

You have an infinite supply of internal power to draw from; all it takes is a shift in your perspective. When you chose to build "I can" and "I will" your personal mantras, you will not be able to give up today or any other day.
